If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it." ~Lucille Ball

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Just a Frog

I has occurred to me that children may have much more insight into life than most of us realize or acknowledge.  If you have any experience with children, you know that they only speak the truth and that there is really nothing that they will not say.  For example, I happen to be a natural blonde.  One of the questions that I get asked on a fairly regular basis is; Why are your eyebrows that color?    ------------------  I have naturally blonde eyebrows.  I guess it's rare to see.  I was once even told that I had scary eyebrows!!  Shocking I know, but we must always remember how observant children can be.

One day I came into teach a class and in a rush to get ready I had neglected to put mascara on.  Now with blonde eyebrows, can you take a wild guess at what color my eyelashes are??  I do look different without mascara, needless to say.  One of my very sweet young dancers very politely pointed out that I was NOT wearing Mascara!! How did she know??  Ugh, I went straight to Target and picked up some makeup.

But aside from all of the comments I get about my makeup, outfits, hair and eyebrows, I also get some very good reality checks.  One of the most insightful comments came just a couple of weeks ago.  I was teaching my dancers some sort of frog move, (probably frog jumps) and one of the girls made a comment about kissing frogs and this is what she said.  "When you kiss a frog, sometimes he's still just a frog."

Uhhhhh............ Wow, she's TOTALLY Right!!! What a smart little girl.  I think all of us girls can learn from this.  I hope that when she grows up that she doesn't have to kiss too many frogs before finding her prince.  But if she does, at least she already knows that he may just stay a frog....

1 comment:

  1. OMG...is that not the cutest comment ever?! So insightful... I love those little ones that just melt your heart. :)
